This weekend was one of those weekends that was a breath of fresh air. Literally.
We went out to the lake for the day and it was refreshing! It was warm, no wind and the birds were singing. Time didn't matter and we ate when the ache on our bellies told us it was time.
Sometimes I photo shop them but usually I just use a setting on my camera that lets me select a color and then everything else is black and white. I like the way the photos turn out with only one color, it sets a different mood. Hope this answers the question. ;-)
All the kids were kept busy for a few hours with spring clean up chores and then the fun began.
We explored the beetles in the water and collected shiny stones.
Ethan sat for an hour and shoveled one pile of sand back and forth over and over.
Phil found melting ice crystals.
And Emily threw stones.
Kaitlyn swung and swung and couldn't get high enough. Even when she would get to the point where you kinda bump at the top cause you are so high she would scream "higher, higheeeeer!"
I took a little walk just to breath the fresh air and it was intoxicating. I felt so free. There was no traffic noise, no city smells. Just the far off giggling of children, birds chirping and the wind rustling the grass. This is life, I wish I could bottle that day!
While on my walk I came across the boys out on their hunt. The way the sun was to their backs I just couldn't get enough of the image.
Later on Emily, mom, Kaitlyn and Ethan joined me to find spring blossoms.
Kaitlyn picked this "falowe" for me.
It was such an amazing day and I took a ton of photos. There were so many I could hardly choose just these few to share. We had a wiener roast and Dave hacked down an old rotten tree....those and the rest of the photo's are here.
Today the weather has been amazing again and we are just now inside after spending hours outdoors piddling in the yard.
I have a ton to blog about but life hasn't allowed it....I have a reveal and still have a giveaway up my sleeve. I hope in the next couple of days they can be pulled off. I am so excited about them!
However with the warmth and the fresh air I cannot make any promises. Life has a way of happening and changing any plan I try to make. Hope you are enjoying good weather and fresh air wherever you are, it is spring time, yipeeee!
WOW Anna!! Your photos are just amazing! I LOVE that one of the boys on their hunt. SO COOL. And the one after that of Emily, it's fantastic! I can see both of those on a gallery wall, along with the flower ones. Just stunning ... thank you for inspiring me always!
Great photos, what a fabulous weekend!
Your wonderfully warm weather is headed our way starting tomorrow. We got the chairs out and are ready. Today was beautiful, but cool. Still J is spending more than half the day outside, I am lovin' it.
p.s. I am getting ready to book my flight, so we will have to meet up for coffee.
Great photos! You were on a roll with the photography. :) I love the photo of the boys with the guns and Em on the road. They are all good though!
Anna! Those pictures are amazing! I love the ones where you add the colour back, I want to learn how to do that. I have to look into photoshop.
Wasn't today wonderful? I am full of life and all that icky stuff that's been bothering me? GONE.
For now! Yay for summer days in April:-)
It seems that all the comments so far also liked your photos...very nice! I think the "falowe" would make a beautiful painting one day - I love the color and the angle it is being held in the photo against the blue sky - stunning!
Glad you had a great weekend! We had beautiful weather here too for the weekend. It melted most of what was left of the snow and we set the trampoline up. Hours of fun for the kids while mommy and daddy could get some work done!
What a beautiful day. You all looked so happy! Sun shining, family,friends,priceless!
Your photos are stunning, Anna.
Which camera and model do you use?
I am glad you had such good weather. Ours has been miserable, as you know, so I love looking at these pictures. They give me hope!!
Heidi :)
Oh, I so want to come and visit the cottage! I don't very often miss Saskatchewan, but today I do!
WOW!!!! You could be a photographer AND painter!!!!
This post reminds me how precious your family and family in general is! I don't know what it's like to have such a large, close family, but would love it - you are SO blessed!
I love it outside now that the weather is decent! It totally cures all the cabin fever.
Looks like you and the kids had a great time!
What a lovely post.
Ah! The best kind of day! Enjoyed reading this and it has started my day off just right. Thanks for sharing!
Anna, the ice crystal photo and the crocus are gorgeous - no crocuses here yet but still some ice! I would love your permission (and a hi-res copy) to paint that crocus - our styles are different enough that we could both get away with using it, right?
I love your photos. What a gorgeous day and family. That last one is so great...
What a great day! Great photos too! You found a crocus!
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