Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hair chop and eye bling

OK, the eye bling part is not in this post but to get to it follow the link at the bottom of this post.
Remember that I promised to show you what the second place winners got. Well actually I don't think it is really second place because I like these gifts as much as the first ones.
Second winner for flight gets this little pink pendant.
And second winner for bling.....gets this set of magnets.
I love this set and had so much fun making it. It is the busts of famous artists.
Now for another artist bust....
here is mine. Actually this is me pre hair cut and with my hair all natural.
I actually wore it out of the house too and it was for a big day.
A blogging get together with Kami and Beachmama. Little mommy had to opt out with a cold and Candace didn't make it either but it was still a fun time.
If all five of us had been there how cool would that have been?! 
I really do love this blogging community and would love to meet so many more of you!
Kami, Beachmama and I. Oh and Apple, she is so cute!
Killing time while the kids napped in the truck. 
Still killing time. You know this bird pendant in my etsy shop? Well I figured that it was getting lonely sitting in it's package waiting for a new home so I took it out for the day, I think I might have to buy it from myself, I love this birdie!
Anyway, in actual news around here we are keeping busy. Insanely so!
Trips out, time in the yard and time loosing my mind.

It has really been a few roller coaster days. Highs and lows and everything in between.
Being home is the worst. The house is once again a dive.
I cannot stay ahead and paint, yet I cannot stay sane and not paint.
I wish I could just sleep, play and paint and not clean or do dishes or laundry.
Then again that would just be too fun!
So tomorrow once again my mission is to put all the fun aside and make it a cleaning day, ho hum!
It is so much more fun hanging outside.

Now back to my hair.
I got it cut again. A little more bold this time and I wanted fullness.
I got it! (dismiss the fishy lips, I was trying to make my double chin disappear)
And the top and my toes.
Ethan thinks his mama is hot! Really though he does love it and pets and pets it.

Out for a run with the pepper grind.
That is my girl.

Now before I bid goodnight, I am so wiped, I want to guide your attention my art blog. I posted a few new ones and a few old ones that I just found in a file.
One of the new ones I really love. You might think it is weird but it was so fun to do and it is whimsical. It is 3 x 4 feet and is called 'Crystal' when you head over there.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Are you feeling cheated by my canvas affair?

I am once again at a lose. I don't know where to start. I have no brainy bits to share, no crazy brain storms. Besides in the art department. I cannot keep up with what I dream. I get frustrated and cranky.

All I want to do is paint! 
However I am also a mom and wife and this whole painting gig is getting in the way.
I think about it all day, all night and then every spare minute I run to my canvas to dab on a bit more.

I used to have an affair similar to this with this computer and the internet and blogs and e-mails and IMing and facebooking and surfing and shopping and twittering. Have you noticed my absence?
It is not that I do not love you anymore, please don't be jealous, it is not that I have a new love, I have just rekindled an old one.

At this point I am trying to get caught up while also doing little projects on the side that just burst from my head without warning. I must let them out lest they consume what I should be focusing on.

So in a bit I will be back more often, I miss you all!

 Oh, before I get on with the update I wanted to say that I had promised photos of the second place winners gifts. I forgot to upload the photos before my cameras batteries died so sorry, next time, but in the meantime I will get them in the mail!
Back to the update.
Kaitlyn dresses herself. Sometimes I let her out of the house in what she chooses.
Not often though.
We have been kicking back enjoying spring.
Smelling the blossoms, they are consuming!
Playing in the yard.
Shooting a few hoops.

swinging in the breeze.
Sharing hugs.
And playing Mary Poppins.
This little sister of mine sure cracks me up!
Ethan decided to chase a cat.
It chased him back.
He chased it back.

And caught it.
He was so proud!
I was so shocked!
He was so gentle.  He seems to be the animal lover in our family. Kaitlyn couldn't care less, kinda like me, only I am always freaked out I am going to catch some freaky bugs or something from them. I am not a pet person at all. They are cute and soft and long as they are someone elses, kinda like babies right now.
On Friday I was kinda loosing my mind. I had to take a drive to clear my head, drop the kids off at my parents and go paint shopping.
I think these few days without Dave did me in. I so look forward to him coming home every night. He is my partner and my relief.
When we came home there was a package in the mail, with chocolate!
I have never loved such rich dark chocolate like I did this day. I almost cried it was so good. I think it lifted my mood, it was like a happy pill!
Thank you Nicole!
We got busy right away cutting and gluing and ta-da...
we made a flower.
Then I got busy letting a few wayward pieces out of my head. 
I had this kid theme get stuck in my head that day. This is the first four of a whole series.
I have them up on my art blog now so if you want to see them larger click on the orange words.  I also have 5 other new ones, some huge ones to get up there too. 
I had intended to do it tonight but like I mentioned before my camera battery died so it is charging now and they will get uploaded next time.
Saturday the kids and I headed down to the Cathedral art festival.
I wanted to get in and have a booth but this year I am just too busy. Maybe next year.
We did have a great time though listening to the music, watching the dancing, checking out all the art and jewelry and eating yummy street food.

I came away so inspired my creative bone was itching and I along with Kaitlyn's help prepped 4 canvases. 
I must say I also got a little grossed out. I cannot handle some of the sword swallowing or nail into the nose stuff, I kinda gag and have to run. I think I'll stick to the tame stuff.
Like hanging with the kids.
And trying to live in the moments without getting too caught up with what I want to do.

I am glad that Kaitlyn shares my passion. 
She is like my reality check. If I sit and doodle up a new design she marches up and says, " Not now mom, come now to my room, we are playing."
Off we go....painting waits with the dishes and e-mails, dolls must be fed and trains must me chugged.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Drumroll please.....

and the winners are....hand picked randomly from a basket by Kaitlyn...For the little birdie (flight) the winner is Bethany Actually, runner up with second place is Elaine a. who will be getting a similar gift. For the magnets (fancy) the winner is Beachmama and in second place and again with a similar gift is herM. 
 If you could e-mail me your shipping info I will pop these in the mail. Thanks!
I will post pictures of what you all get in my next post. Well the winners know what you are getting but I mean the runners up.

Now the kids are in bed, I have had a bath and am feeling rather sane. I am guessing the hour and a half walk after supper did us good. 

Where to start with the updates? I think I need to get back to blogging a little more regularly. I had 499 photos sitting on my camera from this weekend, that is stressful!
So here are a few starting with Saturday.
We headed out to the cottage for the day. Not our cottage but my parents place. We don't get possession of ours till July 1. Feels like we are waiting forever but it is giving us time to plan before payments on it start hitting us.
Auntie Em gave rides on her bike.
We looked for treasure in rocks down at the beach.
Caught a few rays.
And avoided a few rays too, though unwillingly. 
On Monday we headed back to the cottage again. This time with friends and family. We chilled down at the lake and found some neat stones,
peek a boo!
Took pretty pictures,
and goofy ones.
Threw stones and watched the waves.
Went for wagon rides behind the lawn tractor. Notice Ethan is not there. He was terrified of the idea. I thought he would be thrilled since he love tractors but apparently it is only at a distance.
The kids hung out on the swing and enjoyed the non stress of me yelling at them to stay away from the street. 

Back home we planted a few flowers,
and tended to the yard before saying good bye to daddy.
The following morning I went out to put the kids in the truck and after buckling up Ethan looked back and noticed the window.
I quickly took him out and stood back. It sounded like rice crispies snap cracking and popping away. Throughout the day pieces would just fall out smash on the street. Freaky!
Turns out this spontaneous shattering is a common occurrence in vans and SUV's. I was surprised but glad that it didn't happen when I was driving and it is now booked to get a new window, whew!
Ethan was relieved too!
I was a little worried since I had my art delivery to make but my parents rearranged their schedules so I could borrow their truck.
Off went 4 paintings to the salon with another booked to go in along with the price cards next week. 
I am feeling somewhat relieved of the painting stress. Only 12 to go! Ha, don't get me wrong, I love being so busy, I just need to get the balance right between art, family and house work. Right now the house work  is rather daunting!
I also dropped off my new business cards, aren't they awesome?! The red is what is on the back. They were a team effort between Brenda (from Secret Agent Josephine) and I. Actually all I did was tell her what I needed written on it and she took it from there. A few weeks later a package came in the mail.
 She surprised me with the back, she is so sweet!
Thanks B!
Back to my grind sans Dave. I found my sanity in this frosted mocha goodness. With the window of my truck crumbling as the hours ticked I hauled out the stroller and headed by foot to the grocery store. 
We passed this neon shrub.
Ate a few snacks, napped and smelled a few flowers. The grocery trip ended up being a 5 hour walk. It felt good. I kind think the Lord let the window shatter to slow my pace a bit. 
I needed to stop the craziness a while and take a step back. 

Later that evening dad and Phil came over and cleaned up what was left of the window and taped it up. One of our cop neighbors drove by a few times checking it out, he cracked me up. I can just imagine what was going through his head, I am sure he checked to see if something was called in. 
So that is our craziness around here for the last few days. 
Now I am off to bed, that walk tonight did me in. I just hope it does wonder on my thighs too!