...is the man that stands by my side through thick and thin, good and bad and keeps giving no matter what.
He puts up with my whining and bi***ing and never fills my ears with all the woes of his day.
It wasn't until last night when I was whining about my back and my aches and complaining about his rough whiskers when he gives me a kiss that he said, "You know, I have cuts all over my hands, fingers that are raw and bleeding and ache non stop and you never hear me complain."
Oooo, he is so right. I really don't need to voice every little thing that I think. He knows how I feel and I just natter it over and over anyway.
His poor ears. He is so strong to keep putting up with me.
And then not only does he put up with all my jabber he goes above and beyond to be a good dad. He tries to give me a break as often as possible and entertains them with stories, play, doodles and outings.
He gets more done in two hours than I get done all day and has made a joke of it lately.
Since we are heading off to Mexico this weekend I was mentioning that it will be so nice to have a whole week off to just lay around and do nothing.
He just looked at me and then said, "And not do dishes or laundry??"
Right. He has been doing all that since I got pregnant.
Then he said, "So basically you will do the same down there as what you do here day in and day out."
OK, a bit of a burn there.
We had a good laugh about it since of course it isn't really all true, there is more to life than dishes and laundry and I was thinking more about painting orders and having a little vacation before tackling the next bunch.
I do count on him to see the lighter side and really should not get so annoyed when he is being funny and I am grumpy.
I am lucky he still has a funny bone with the way that I have treated him and his joking around.
For the last week Kaitlyn has been asking to go to work with Dave. She loves watching Mary Poppins and wanted to go with her daddy to work like they did on the movie.

Early yesterday morning while we were still soaking up the snuggles in our PJ's we got a phone call.
It was time.
You know that feeling that makes your heart feel bigger and warm?
He does this day in and day out just for us!
Watching the kids watch him almost made me cry. Doesn't help that I am slightly more emotional than normal nowadays but still.

Then on to the next job so we had to say goodbye.
I got a kiss.
The baby got a tickle.
Dave humor style.

So you might be wondering why I wrote this today. It is not his birthday, not even close, nor is it fathers day or anything like that.
It is kind of sappy and drippy and you may think I am trying to butter him up...and ya, there is a little of that going on.
I have been putting him through a lot and even though neither of us are saints and we still bicker and squabble over the stupidest stuff I want him to know that I appreciate him.
Despite our fights and hurts and pains we love each other deeply and I can hardly wait to keep living next to his side for the rest of our lives.
Dave I love you. Thank you for being you....I will try really hard to stop trying to change you all the time....I really need to work on me anyway!
Thank you for being so great and working so hard.
From the bottom of my heart!
Thanks. I love you as well. You aren't that bad, but that is a conversation for a different day. You and the kids are my world, and all that is important to me. I just get this warm feeling inside and it makes me want to cal you BABE!
You are both aboslutely amazing to me, and I love your family. Every time I come here I feel like part of something much bigger, and am glad you all choose to share it with us.
Very nice tribute to an obviously loving dad and husband, Anna.
THIS is a beautiful tribute to your husband and your love for each other!
*wipes tear*
Have fun in Mexico!
What a beautiful love letter and what a blessing your sweet husband is. That is a treasure!
Anna, this is such a sweet tribute to your guy! I hope all of you have a wonderful, relaxing vacation!
Oh Anna, you are blessed!!!
Love this post, such a sweet tribute to your husband. I love his comment, too. You guys are obviously made for each other. Awww!
Aw! I love it!!
He sounds similar to Noah - the sarcasm and the fact that he does a lot around the house as well.
Hooray for good husbands!!
Hi there,
You touched my heart with this blog. I have always been proud of my son, but you have just driven that pride higher! You are both very lucky - to have each other, your beautiful children with one on the way and a warm home. I can hardly wiat to spend time with you next week. Actually just 1 more sleep!
Take care, I love you all and see you tommorrow.
Mom (MA) ps - you also made me cry!
Aw, so sweet! Marriage is a give and take,and you two seem to have that mastered :)
Have a great trip!
Oh Anna, that is such a beautiful post. You brought tears to my eyes because I know how much you Love each other and how sometimes we take things out on the one we Love the most because he is there. I hope you guys have a fabulous time in Mexico and enjoy the sun and the sand and being oh so warm.
I love that he left you a comment too!!
Seriously Anna, what a beautiful post! Every once in awhile it does pay to stop and smell how great the roses are don't you think?
Loved it, and hope you are having a fabulous time in Mexico! :)
We all have our ups and downs, no? That's just the way life and love goes. But I know that your ups are more, I can tell from how wonderful a family you have. And what a sweet post about your man!
Have a great time on vacation, can't wait to hear about it! : )
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