I had really wanted to post daily while away because I was afraid I might end up overwhelmed with photos otherwise.
And I am. So overwhelmed that I am posting the last half of the trip before the first half.
I don't know why I am doing this but it is too late to change it.
So here are the last four days. Be prepared to be overwhelmed as well. I am posting really random photos but they are in order.
You might just need a day and a large coffee to get through them so please do not worry, I will not be offended at all if you just skim. I will try really hard not to be wordy as well and just let the photos talk.

I love seeing all that the shops have to offer and see what local artisans have created but I hate the bartering part. And if you don't barter then you know you are paying through the nose for some things. I always tried to think of what a similar product would cost here or what I would pay based on what I thought it was worth before starting the barter.
Sometimes I wanted to give my money to someone other than the shop owners though.
You could see that there were people that were making all the money and right next to them there were those that really struggled. There were fancy foreign cars parked on the streets and some rich looking shop owners and then right behind those shops where people washing their clothes in the local river.

There just isn't much in between and it really makes you put life in perspective. What really matters?
Sure we have poverty and wealth here too, it is the same all over the world but when you see the two extremes right next to each other it becomes really real.
The things we occupy our time with day to day kind of seen shallow and silly when you think about the needs of people who struggle just to get food and water in so many places around the world.
We went out for supper a few times and the kids loved the Taxi rides. (you can't really tell here, but they did) I think part of the reason was because they didn't need their car seats.

You will have to click on this on (above) to see it better.
Time with Grandma and Poppa was really special. They really enjoyed each others company and this made the trip really awesome. Ethan spent most of his time with Poppa down on the beach digging in the sand with his trucks and tractors while Kaitlyn hung out with Grandma in the pool.
And that wraps up the trip. It was amazing!
The kids loved the plane rides and really soaked up every moment of fun they could possible squeeze out of the week.
I waddled around drawing stares and comments from everyone who seemed to think I was there to have the baby.
Spending time with family is always so precious and I just wish we could see all our family way more often.
Thank you Grandma and Poppa for the trip, from the bottoms of our hearts, thank you!
you took amazing pictures Anna! I love the one of Kaitlyn sipping the coke, and the pic of you in your husbands sun glasses!! Really good pictures! The sundress you got her is adorable!! Looks like a fun trip!!
Gorgeous pictures Anna, just beautiful. And I want to go there! But you are right the harsh line between wealth and poverty is quite startling...your photos captured it very well.
And only 37 days till baby's due date! Wow! Glad you guys had a great time!
I'm so glad you guys had an amazing vacation! I love the close-up photos of Lori, and the one of you and Dave in front of the fountain.
Beautiful photos! I love the vivid colours!
Looks like SO much fun! Great pictures and memories!
That looks like it was so much fun! Great photos!
Such lovely pictures! What great memories... Love the colors and angles. Hope you travel home safely!
Wow! That was cool! I'm also amazed and curious about the pottery! Such bright color! You don't get that 'round these parts.
Wow, what a wonderful trip! I loved seeing all the pictures, thanks for sharing them here.
One of my very favorites is the one of Ethan and his Grandfather sitting on the log on the beach. Just gorgeous. You should definitely frame that one. SO lovely...
I'm glad you had a good trip and now I totally want to go somewhere! : )
What a great trip!!! Beautiful photos. So glad you got to get away before the baby comes :)
Love the sundress you got for Kaitlyn. Also, that first picture of Ethan is so cute, he looks very grown up. By the way, you ever come to visit all those lovely cousins of yours in Aberdeen? You should : )
I love the pictures of you in Dave's sunglasses - such a cool perspective and so cute!
stunning photos...you hot momma you!
Oh my goodness, such gorgeous pictures! I'm totally craving a vacation right now! Your children are adorable. :)
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