Once again I sit here wondering where to start. It's not that I don't have anything to say, rather on the contrary. In fact I could probably just sputter and mutter and make your eyes go buggy and your brain spin as you read all my blabbering.
So I will try to say less and spare you all the mumbo jumbo that I cannot even sort out and get on with the last few days.
We finally decided to get ready for the baby and headed out to the cottage in search of the box of newborn clothes and the bassinet.

In our searching Kaitlyn rummaged and found her box of old baby clothes and couldn't help but try them on.

After a relaxing afternoon and a BBQ we headed back with the bassinet. The box of baby clothes were nowhere to be found. Hmmm.

With the missing clothes pushed to the back of my mind we got on with our week. Kaitlyn's last winter session of gymnastics was this week and she informed me she was going to make a card for her coach. She loves to make cards and when I told her it was time she ran down the hall to the bathroom.
I called her back and she came running with a pink postcard from the package of kleenex boxes.
After gluing it on the cover she picked colors and we came up with a little picture for the inside.
Then off we went to gymnastics. Next up is the spring session and I have my fingers crossed that we get the same coach. She was amazing!
She involved the kids and was always on their level, you could tell she was passionate about what she did. Everyone loved her!
On the way home we always stop for a burger. On this particular day Ethan was tuckered out but was very adamant that he wanted to eat his burger anyway. He LOVES burgers and asks for them for nearly every meal. As he ate his chewing got slower and slower and soon his eyes were closed. He cracked them open a moment later and chomped another bite. With eyes closed he slowly chewed as he drifted off. I was a little worried that he hadn't swallowed it and might choke but after checking to make sure he had I was ok.

Now for those belly pictures as promised. If you are my mom or are completely bored by belly shots feel free to skip to the end. My mom cannot understand why anyone would want to see a belly but for me it is more about documenting the memories. Despite all my complaining about pregnancy I do want to remember it. The kicks and bruised ribs, the baby stretches that make me reach for the sky to make room for his moves. I do want to remember them.
Oh, ya. I was thinking about that lost box of newborn stuff and was starting to stress as to where it could be. Suddenly I remembered that there was a box of stuff in Ethan's closet.

Sure enough it was the box. Now I am getting excited. Do you see that teeny tiny undershirt?
So now that we are getting excited Dave decided to snap a few photos. Why do I have to make a face? I don't know.

Could I not just smile. I think it is because the camera was flashing and clicking endlessly and I was starting to get a 'look'. Apparently I am very good at giving 'looks.'
Then the kids spotted the grass in the neighbors yard across the street. "Look, spring!" Exclaimed Kaitlyn and they ran to check it out.

After 20 minutes we headed back in with frozen toes and the kids have not wanted to venture out again all week. I guess we will be waiting for the warm summer rains for the good splashing.
Back in I have been plugging away on custom orders. Here is the one that I spent the last week and a half working on.
When the kids are in bed or are off playing in their rooms I plop down with my brush and make a little progress.
Sometimes I miss being all domestic and on top of the house but at the same time I also know that there are seasons in life.
Next up on my list for the week. Hair. For the last month I have been rockin the pony and headband look. Is that even rockable? I doubt it so it was probably a good thing I finally made it in to the salon for a do.
This time instead of catching up on a good dose of tabloid gossip I decided to take along my sketch book. It has been ages since I sketched something for fun. Don't get me wrong I doodle all the time but it is usually basic and simple and for a purpose.
It has been years since I really sketched something so I figured that I might have time while I processed.
I thought about what I would draw as my hairdresser applied the colour but nothing came to mind that seemed fun.
(click image to view larger)
Yup, that is it, foils and all. And it was fun. I wasn't sure if I could still do it (sketch) and it felt really good. I love the challenge of sketching with ink. There is no room for mistakes and is therefor a little more challenging but it also forces me to try a little harder.

And I left a happy camper with a fresh new bob.
Don't you just love that fresh from the salon feeling? I wish I could keep it for weeks but after my first wash at home it is never the same.
I LOVE the fresh-from-the-salon feeling!! I haven't been in almost a year (gasp!) I haven't been brave enough to venture out and find a new hair dresser since the move.
Your paintings look great! As does your sketch. You've got quite the talent.
I love your hair.Cute ans fresh. Holy your baby belly has really grown.
By the way I love your new banner too!
Why is that always true about salon hair? It's all perfect and fresh and light and bouncy and then the next day it is back to it's normal self.
Glad you found the baby clothes... awww!
Love the new do! I sure wish that I could get my hair to look like it does at the salon. I guess it's partly because I can't be bothered spending time on it.
Awww, that tiny baby shirt next to your belly is so sweet. I don't think I have one photo of me pregnant with my 3rd child. It makes me sad. I think I only have one of me pregnant with my 2nd!
I am still amazed at your painting on the floor!! Pregnant and with 2toddlers! I could never bend over like that let alone keep my husband from walking all over it! Ü
Glad you found your baby clothes I do stuff like that all the time!
YOU are GORGEOUS...that belly, with skinny little legs and butt..you carry VERY well...lucky girl.
love the hair...and that shot of Ethan has to be one of the BEST ones...(smiling, not the sleepy burger one, though that is cute too)
and your sketch...AMAZING.
Love your hair, and your belly! And Ethan eating the burger and falling asleep cracked me up :)
Your hair is gorgeous as is your belly :).
And I so love your painting. I am sure your client in Austin will be thrilled!
I'm so excited that your art is going to be in the same state as me! ; ) Maybe when I visit Austin next I can go see it - it's gorgeous!
Love the baby belly shots. You seem to be carrying low. Isn't that supposed to mean something?
And your hair is totally fab! : )
A trip to the salon is always a nice thing.
Not much longer 'til the baby's here! Exciting!
Gorgeous photos!! LOVE the belly shots (you are like a poster girl for pregnancy, you look AMAZING!!) and the pics of the kids looking cuter than ever! Gotta love a new hair do as well :-)
Great hair! I love belly shots, personally. But they always make me want to be pregnant again....
Great haircut! Just a little bit more to go and then you can have your body back to normal and start getting no sleep instead! Ah, the joys of pregnancy and newborns!!
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