Nearly a week later but this is what you get when I am swiping WiFi off my neighbors open ultra slow connection, conveniently labeled as 'free wireless' in the network connection box.
So...Happy Canada day! Happy Fourth of July!
We are lake living, obviously with the sketchiest internet connection in the world. It just took three days to load these pictures and I am wondering why the heck I loaded any!
I shouldn't complain though, it is free internet and I am lucky the neighbors share, I am probably bogging them down royally!
I was going to write about how Hudson is a little monster when it comes to eating and a machine when it comes to pooping. I swear all I do is change diapers and hook him up all day long. Thing is he is a good sleeper and napper and darn cute to boot and that makes it all so worth while!
We took in the festivities here at the beach on Canada day starting with those rocket popper thingy-majigs that SAJ gave directions for over here.

After popping the confetti rockets we headed over to the beach office/community centre for the activities they had going on.

After seeing some awesome painted faces the kids were excited to get theirs done...for the first time ever!

And Ethan asked for a frog.
The guy wasn't sure what that was but could do a race car.
We then settled at a bench to watch bigger kids play games.

And watch a card wizard play some tricks.

And watch a card wizard play some tricks.
Bingo looked fun and the kids do love it but they were also having fun running back and forth from the lemonade pitches with juice.

It would have been fun to stay through his whole gig but the kids were done and Hudson was hungry so we headed home to change and chill out for a while before heading back out for fire works.

I am soooo loving my baby wrap. Have I mentioned this before? I first saw it on a neighbor two years ago and swore I would get one if we had another kid. Then I saw a friends home made one earlier this year and decided I could make one. All it took was 5 1/2 meters of t-shirt material cut in half length wise and these instructions to wrap. Once you have that down the possibilities are endless! Here Hudson is cradled so I could nurse during the fire works.
Back to the fire works.
Watching them go off over the water is always so neat. Mind you I am getting to be so over fire works right now. There is not a single night that goes by out here that someone is not blasting them off...including us. Dave is a little passionate about his shows.
Last year when it was still a novelty we would go out and watch. This year after a few days we don't any more. However on Canada day it was kind of neat having them go off all around us.
The rest of our week has been filled with hanging out, not doing much and a little boating and swimming.
Hanging out at the beach with friends and family and doing laundry by hand in the tub with the line to dry.
Watching my brother gopher hunt and taking short cuts through fields.
Ahhhhh, summer!!
Happy belated Canada day and 4th of July and happy summer!
Looks like fun!
You sound and look wonderful, and I am SO glad to hear it!
Happy summer! What fun that all looks like!
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